Wednesday 29 September 2010

If you could fix second life what would you do?

If i could change anything in Second Life about how it works, it would be to erase all lag and banish the lag monster to the depths of darkness which it came from.  I know that this isn't really possible ut it is a nice thoght to have.

If i could change stuff aot how people are in Second Life it wold be to ensure that only adults who really want kids and are prepared for the full responsibility of that are allowed to adopt them.  I see too often kids having to move from family to family because they have been adopted by people who mearly want a few token kids to take out and about with them every now and then.  That is not what most kids want in SL.  Most of us want a real family environment where we casn be nurtured and thrive. I am sure you all have wonderful families now.... but how many families have you been in before you found the right one for you?  I know i was in a few before i found my forever family.

I would also make a rule saying if there is a group like 50l friday kids, each creator HAS to make either a unisex item or 1 item for male and 1 item for femal.  Boys are poorly catered for in the majority of SL.  yes there are those thast cater for them but they are few and far between.

there are several other little things i would like to change abot sl but i am not going to go into them now.  The only thing i will add is that i wish everyone wold remeber that behind every SL avatar is a REAL person with REAL feelings!!


  1. omgosh you juss spoke my feelings too! great post. i never understood tha trubble kids go thru finding tha rite fambily. i had mine for 9 months. tha best but not without its flaws. an now im lookin an lookin. an people say "we love u always no matter wat." an tha next thing i kno, thay say thay need space n dont wanna feel guilty caus we need them. we ar not attachments! we ar real people with real feelings. you rock!! so glad ur in our class. :)

  2. agrees with you! It's true and those were my thoughts. I think you first realize if you really put so much effort into a family and in the end it all broke apart.. To say it wasn't worth it would be wrong in my opinion, cause it's always worth to share some love, even if you don't always get same in return, it might makes some people realize that it's a much better way to be a happy and long lasting family. Hope you will always have a great time with your family :]
